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May Day Barn, Weald & Downland Museum

In 2010 the Weald & Downland Museum were approached regarding the possibility of taking the building of May Day Farm into their collection. The buildings were threatened by a widening scheme on the A21.

In 2014 the consent for the widening was given and the museum worked with Highways England through their Contractor to dismantle the barn and stables in early 2015.

The museum appointed us to assist with repairs to the building which had suffered from roof spread and fractured rafters during its lifetime. We inspected the roof when it had been erected in the Gridshell building and then designed the repairs. The fractured rafters were plated and a tie-rod was provided between the wall plates in the two long end-bays. The barn and stables were re-erected in 2018 at the museum.




Weald & Downland Museum

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